When Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was announced, fans understandably started speculating about possible DLCs, especially after Final Fantasy 7 Remake received additional content while waiting for its sequel. In a candid discussion with the Daily Star, director Naoki Hamaguchi addressed these speculations head-on by confirming that no DLC is in the works for Rebirth. However, his explanation sheds light on the thoughtful consideration that went into this decision. “We definitely hear the fans clamoring for DLC,” Hamaguchi acknowledged. “I completely understand where they’re coming from. But I believe what fans truly want is to dive into the third part of the series without delay.”
Hamaguchi emphasized that the development team’s resources are squarely focused on bringing the next chapter to life as swiftly as possible. “Rather than diverting attention to extra episodes, we’re channeling our efforts into speeding up the release of the third game. That’s our current priority,” he explained. It’s a sensible direction, after all!
While the Yuffie DLC offered a smooth transition between installments, there’s curiosity about which characters from Rebirth might warrant solo adventures. Cid and Vincent Valentine come to mind. Yet, it’s uncertain how these characters would translate into standalone mini-stories. Moreover, there’s always hope that Square Enix might gift us with a remastered Dirge of Cerberus, akin to Crisis Core: Reunion. Fingers crossed for the fans of Dirge!
Earlier this week, our own Dom had an insightful chat with Hamaguchi about his vision for mini-games in the series’ final installment. Rest assured, changes are indeed on the horizon for the third part’s fun, little diversions.