About a year back, I embarked on a journey to create episodes of 3rd Party 64, highlighting the various Army Men games that had launched on the Nintendo 64. Coincidentally, around that period, The Video Game History Foundation shared a Christmas-themed commercial for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, one of the titles I was focusing on.
This sparked a conversation with Frank Cifaldi, the director at VGHF, about a fascinating collection they had recently acquired from Michael Mendheim, who was the creative mastermind behind the Sarge’s Heroes series. By the end of our meeting, my inbox was brimming with documentation detailing the development of the Army Men series, effectively broadening the scope of my project. Fast forward to late summer 2024, Frank extended an invitation for me to participate in an upcoming episode of The Video Game History Hour. The plan was to have a conversation with Mendheim about his games, and this opportunity further enriched the insight I had.
This particular episode of 3rd Party 64 weaves together clips from that insightful interview, along with findings from the documents shared by The Video Game History Foundation. Their invaluable work truly made it possible to explore these games so comprehensively.
But there’s more to the story!
As I delved deeper, it became clear that I was uncovering far more about Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes than could comfortably fit within the initial video. To address this, we decided to produce an additional video highlighting what I believed were the nine most captivating, previously unknown facts that emerged from my research. You can catch this video on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
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