Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is exploring the possibility of creating a sequel to their 2023 hit, Hi-Fi Rush. In a chat with IGN, studio chief Colin Mack shared that while they’re “considering” this exciting venture, they’re not ready to seal the deal just yet.
“We’re seriously thinking about a sequel,” Mack mentioned to IGN. “But we’re not quite at the point where we can lay out the blueprint.”
Hi-Fi Rush’s director, John Johanas, chimed in, saying, “Our team holds a deep affection for Hi-Fi Rush, which provides us with a great deal of inspiration. We’re at a stage where we’re investigating various paths we could take.”
Kazuaki Egashira, the project manager, emphasized what sets Tango apart: a relentless quest for new experiences. “Hi-Fi Rush struck a chord as a fresh IP, but if it never evolved, it could lose its charm with time,” they explained. “At Tango Gameworks, we thrive on embracing new challenges. I hope that our future endeavors keep our developers in the spotlight and our passion alive.”