One dedicated player of Stardew Valley has recently captured the attention of the gaming community by spending a staggering 200 hours to collect every weapon available in the game. Accompanying this impressive achievement is a snapshot that beautifully displays their entire arsenal.
Stardew Valley is known for its relaxed and cozy atmosphere, but it does include elements of combat. While it’s perfectly feasible for players to enjoy the game without engaging with monsters, for many, acquiring and upgrading weapons becomes essential for safely navigating the game’s mines. However, amassing all the weapons is an endeavor far beyond what’s required, making this player’s accomplishment all the more remarkable.
This remarkable feat was shared by Reddit user and avid Stardew Valley fan, kindanerdyhousewife, who proudly posted their collection of weapons gathered throughout their gameplay experience. Their collection features 63 distinct weapons, though one is actually Robin’s lost axe, a quest item that, while rewarding, isn’t usable as a weapon. Notably missing from the display is the Infinity Gavel, but kindanerdyhousewife assured they have it, just forgot to snap it in the picture. Additional items like a few chests, a fossil, and some charming wall decorations round out their impressive room.
Getting your hands on every weapon in Stardew Valley is no easy task. For example, crafting the elusive Infinity Gavel requires combining a Galaxy Hammer with three Galaxy Souls and 60 Cinder Shards. But first, you must unlock the Galaxy Hammer by acquiring the Galaxy Sword, which involves finding a Prismatic Shard, one of the game’s rarer treasures. The player’s collection also features special weapons that are only available through trading at the Desert Festival using Calico Eggs, adding yet another layer of complexity. It’s easy to see how such an endeavor could easily rack up 200 hours of gameplay, depending on a player’s efficiency and dedication.
The community reacted with awe at the sight of this extensive collection. Some even expressed an eagerness to try a similar challenge within their own games. While it’s unclear if kindanerdyhousewife plans on gathering boots and rings as well, it seems they’re prepared for any threats that Stardew Valley might throw their way. It will be exciting to see if this player decides to take on other unique challenges moving forward.
In this charming farming game, players inherit their grandfather’s old farm plot and set out with a few coins and basic tools to transform an overgrown field into a thriving home. Despite the arrival of Joja Corporation and the decline of the community center, the valley is bursting with potential. With determination, players might just restore Stardew Valley to its former glory. Since its release in 2016, Stardew Valley, developed and published by ConcernedApe, has continually enchanted players, both in single-player and multiplayer modes, as they strive to live off the land and revive their community.