Ryu Ga Gotoku’s long-standing franchise is venturing into new waters with its latest project, Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. It’s a daring blend of the series’ beloved elements and fresh, innovative twists. Set against the beautiful backdrop of Hawaii, this game sees the iconic Goro Majima stepping back into the spotlight as the main character, promising fans a thrilling adventure.
Majima arrives on Hawaii’s shores suffering from severe amnesia, offering players a chance to see a different side of him—vulnerable yet as bold as ever. This intriguing setup plunges the series into unfamiliar territory, blending traditional gameplay elements with modern twists. The combat system, in particular, strikes a balance between beat-em-up action and more classic RPG elements, offering a refreshing middle ground that keeps the heart of the series alive while ushering in exciting new mechanics.
Fans won’t be disappointed with the game’s approach to blending past franchise staples with fresh ideas. Set to release on February 21, the game introduces piracy and ship-based combat into the mix while staying true to the exploration and land-based battles that have captivated audiences for years. Coupled with Majima’s return, anticipation for this launch is reaching fever pitch. Although Majima has only been a leading character in the series a few times, his role here promises to be unforgettable.
Known for his erratic and lively presence, Majima has always captivated fans with his distinctive combat techniques. Pirate Yakuza uses this unpredictability to its advantage, putting the power and chaos of Majima’s combat into players’ hands in ways we’ve never seen before. Ryu Ga Gotoku teases new fighting styles, particularly highlighting Majima’s Mad Dog style, which introduces the intriguing Madness Gauge. By filling this gauge during combat, players can unleash powerful apparitions of Majima, a nod to the unpredictable nature fans have both endured and enjoyed throughout the series.
Further expanding on its innovative gameplay, Pirate Yakuza explores fantastical combat elements with the Sea Dog style. Players can harness instruments to summon mythical creatures like sharks, apes, and jellyfish to fight alongside them. This aligns more closely with Like a Dragon’s modern RPG style seen in recent turn-based titles featuring Ichiban Kasuga, embracing the wild and whimsical spirit of the franchise. However, it doesn’t leave behind the gritty, high-impact combat that fans of the original series adore.
With Majima’s memory loss as a central narrative point, Pirate Yakuza gives the character a chance to adapt to the newest themes and mechanics of the franchise. It retains the essence of what made Like a Dragon an international success story while pushing the boundaries with innovative gameplay. This newest installment celebrates both the past and the present of the series, offering something truly special for long-time fans and newcomers alike.