IO Interactive, the creative minds behind the acclaimed Hitman series, has announced its decision to end its partnership with well-known mixed martial artist Conor McGregor. This move comes on the heels of a significant legal development involving McGregor, which has prompted the studio to reassess their collaboration.
The announcement was made via Twitter shortly after a civil case concluded with a ruling against McGregor, who was accused of rape by a woman. IO Interactive emphasized that it could not simply overlook the impact of this court decision.
Previously, McGregor made an appearance in the Hitman franchise through The Disruptor DLC, but in response to the ruling, the studio has stated they are severing ties with him. “Following the recent court ruling concerning Conor McGregor, we have decided to end our collaboration with him immediately. This matter is of grave importance to us and carries significant implications that we cannot ignore,” the statement from IO Interactive read.
Moreover, they announced immediate steps to begin the removal of all content associated with McGregor from their digital storefronts, reinforcing their stance on addressing such serious issues promptly.