Oh no! The dark forces of Helldivers 2’s Meridia black hole have finally caught up with Angel’s Venture, obliterating the planet that had been marked for destruction. It’s official: Arrowhead has called for a mourning period for the unfortunate citizens lost in this cosmic catastrophe.
Things were looking grim for Angel’s Venture with evacuation orders already issued; it was only a matter of time. The big, ominous purple black hole shifted its path toward Super Earth, eradicating the planet in a truly spectacular (and unfortunate) event.
Arrowhead shared the sorrowful news via a tweet, accompanied by a news broadcast so everyone could grasp the magnitude of what had transpired. “Angel’s Venture has been torn apart by the Meridian Singularity,” they announced. “Finally, the Illuminate, hiding behind their facade of intelligence and sophistication, have shown their true colors: pure chaos,” they added. As a result, Super Earth’s President proclaimed a 24-hour mourning period across the galaxy.
The responses to this devastating event have been varied. Though visually striking, it’s undeniably a tragic moment. One Reddit user, ‘DickBallsley’, who previously boasted that they would prevent the disaster, humbly admitted, “I’m sorry everyone, I might have overdone it.” They candidly expressed that “going all out was not the best idea,” humorously adding they’ll pay closer attention next time.
Fellow gamers couldn’t resist responding with the iconic Obi-Wan Kenobi ‘You were the chosen one’ GIF, encapsulating the mix of humor and disappointment.
While the galaxy pauses to mourn, the actual battle is just heating up. The Meridian Singularity has now set its sights directly on Super Earth, swallowing several smaller planets along the way. Chances are, the next big mission will focus on trying to halt its advance by countering more Illuminate assaults. Let’s cross fingers the second attempt has better results than the first!