Bigscreen Beyond, which made its mark last year as a sleek and lightweight PC VR headset, is stepping into the Black Friday frenzy with a tempting offer. If you’ve been eyeing this compact headset, now might be the perfect time to take the plunge—starting this week, you’ll get a complimentary Audio Strap with every purchase.
This headset’s compact design is partly due to its reliance on the SteamVR tracking system, eliminating the need for internal sensors, and its impressive dual 2,560 × 2,560 micro-OLED displays coupled with space-saving pancake lenses. It’s so feather-light that, at 127 grams, it’s actually lighter than the optional Audio Strap, which weighs in at 160 grams.
For the holiday shopping season from Black Friday through Cyber Monday (November 27th – December 2nd), each Bigscreen Beyond, priced at $999, will come bundled with a free Audio Strap, usually valued at $129. This offer is available in every region where shipping is supported, including the US, UK, much of continental Europe, along with Ireland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Japan.
To snag this deal, just use the promo code BLACKFRIDAY24 when you check out. The Audio Strap itself redefines comfort by replacing the default fabric strap with a sturdy frame that cradles the top and back of your head. It’s easy to adjust, thanks to a conveniently placed dial, and features on-ear headphones for an immersive audio experience.
Now, you might be wondering if Bigscreen Beyond is truly worth all this attention. In our deep dive review, we were impressed by its bespoke face pad, striking visuals, and snug, lightweight design—perfect for extended gaming marathons. However, we did note that it felt “incomplete” without onboard audio, which isn’t a concern anymore with the Audio Strap now included at no extra cost. Be sure to dive into our full review to decide if this headset ticks all your boxes.
Remember, to fully enjoy this headset, you’ll need a compatible PC, SteamVR base stations, and motion controllers ready to power your VR experience. Curious if your current setup fits the bill? Find out here if your rig has what it takes.
Stay tuned as we gather the hottest Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals throughout the week—don’t miss out!