Ayaneo has rolled out its new Ayaneo Pocket DMG on the crowdfunding site IndieGogo. This GameBoy-inspired handheld console, powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip, is currently available at special Early Bird prices. The basic model, featuring 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, starts at just $339 USD. For those wanting more power, the premium version comes with 16GB RAM and 512GB storage at $499, while a unique Limited Edition “Retro Color” version is priced at $589 during this early offering period.
Despite its modest cost, the Snapdragon chip inside the Pocket DMG offers exceptional performance for high-end mobile gaming. It’s perfectly capable of running popular titles like Genshin Impact at a smooth 60 FPS and can even handle game console emulation up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era. This makes it a great choice for gamers wanting a portable experience, although Valve’s Steam Deck, with its broader game compatibility and lower price tag, remains a solid option unless you’re already complementing a PC handheld collection.
Aside from its specifications and price, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG impresses with its features for such a compact device. It comes equipped with hidden trigger buttons, optional motion controls, and a right touchpad, giving players all the tools needed for a modern gaming experience. Plus, the small but mighty hall-effect analog stick promises durability against drift issues over time.
While an OLED panel might seem extravagant given its size, Ayaneo’s decision to include a 3.92-inch OLED screen with a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution enhances the gaming experience with vivid colors and deep contrasts. It covers an estimated 104% of the NTSC color gamut and reaches up to 450 nits of brightness. This, combined with the OLED’s low input latency, makes it an excellent partner for retro gaming. However, for top-tier AAA gaming, devices like the Steam Deck OLED or other more powerful handhelds still reign supreme.
The Ayaneo Pocket DMG stands out as a strong contender for emulation and Android gaming, offering a premium feel despite its small size. Although models with 12GB and 16GB of RAM (clocked up to 8,533 MT/s) might seem a bit excessive for a non-PC handheld, they cater to the demanding landscape of modern mobile games and emulators. For most users, the entry-level model paired with an expandable SD card will likely offer the best value.
Additionally, the handheld features USB 3.2 Gen 2 via a Type-C port for up to 10 Gigabits throughput, along with Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3 support. While the wired options don’t wow, they’re sufficient for transferring smaller files. The support for Wi-Fi 7, which can manage up to 30 Gigabits per second, is particularly beneficial for tasks like Steam Remote Play.
As always, it’s crucial to remember that contributing to a crowdfunding campaign like this is more like making an investment rather than a purchase. There’s no absolute guarantee that the final product will be delivered as expected, so it’s worth backing if you’ve got faith in the project and wish to contribute to its potential success.