Back in July, fans of Attack on Titan got their first taste of the VR experience with the release of Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable in Early Access on the Quest. At launch, there was quite a buzz as the game offered a single mission, known as a ‘chapter,’ along with a few unlockable blades. Those early adopters were told to get ready for more content in the following months. Now, the wait is over as developer UNIVRS has rolled out the ‘Complete Edition,’ expanding the game with four chapters.
When we first tried out the game in July, it certainly felt more like a tech demo, giving us a fair glimpse of the primary gameplay. However, it was limited to just that one chapter paired with an endless wave mode where you could compete against others on the scoreboard.
Fast forward to today, and the Complete Edition has beefed up with new content. Players can now immerse themselves in chapters three and four, experience the ending, and take on an epic showdown against the Armored Titan boss.
Another exciting update is the introduction of co-op gameplay, which lets you tackle all the chapters alongside a friend. This addition brings a fresh way to experience the game, making it feel more dynamic and engaging.
UNIVRS is keeping the momentum going with announcements of upcoming content. They’ve hinted at a ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ slated for January, dubbing it a “global challenge.” Additionally, fans can expect a free update in 2025, promising even more to look forward to.
Despite some initial rough edges we encountered earlier in the year, the game seems to have struck a chord with fans. As of now, it’s sitting pretty with a strong 4.5 out of 5 user rating on the Horizon Store, which is a testament to its growing popularity.
For those who were part of the Early Access crowd, Part 2 is available as a free download. Newcomers can dive in by purchasing Part 1 for $8, then grab Part 2 for an additional $12 (with Part 1 as a prerequisite), or opt for the bundle of both parts at $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro, broadening its accessibility for VR enthusiasts.