In the intriguing world of Synth Beasts, you step into the shoes of a rogue experiment, a “Synth,” as it escapes from the confines of a scientist’s lab on a mysterious island. Your adventure takes you across a series of islands, where you’re bound to stumble upon other Synths. Be prepared, though, as these encounters aren’t friendly reunions; they’re battles where your victory decides your access to these Synths as playable characters. Unlock their distinct abilities to enhance both your combat prowess and exploration skills.
With each creature you command in battle, your experience points increase, allowing your Synths to level up. They have a progression system with five levels, each providing special bonuses. As you advance, gathering experience can become a grind. So, it’s wise to keep rotating your team to squeeze out their full potential and unlock additional abilities.
Take the “Psitek” Synth, for instance. It can ignite torches immediately after being unlocked. But when it reaches the third level, it earns the fascinating fire slash skill to deflect projectiles—a game-changer in particular dungeons. Most of its level-up perks boost combat abilities, so you might want to switch Synths to uncover fresh skills without the hefty experience demands.
In the early stages of your quest, you’ll gain control of a boat, once used by the island’s scientists. The Genesis Archipelago is yours to explore, packed with hidden bonuses like extra hearts, items that boost stats, and currency for in-game purchases. Even if you’re someone who likes to skip the small details, you can head straight to the larger islands to dismantle the shady operations of your creators.
While the major islands host boss Synths, don’t ignore those optional islands either. They often hide them too. Capturing over 40 different Synths is a challenge, but unraveling every secret within the Genesis Archipelago will reward those adventurous enough to seek them out.
Get ready to dive deep into the Genesis Archipelago, free the Synth Beasts, and put a stop to the nefarious scientific experiments once and for all! Mark your calendars, as Synth Beasts sets sail in 2025, available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and also in the Microsoft Store.