Just after Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been steadily releasing more details about its highly anticipated Ayaneo 3 handheld console. The biggest news so far is the ability to swap out control modules, offering an unprecedented level of customization for gamers. While similar ideas have been seen with devices like the Victrix Pro BFG controller, implementing this concept in handhelds—while also featuring robust hall-effect sensors on the analog sticks and triggers—is particularly exciting.
Ayaneo has shared glimpses of the Ayaneo 3 through a series of Tweets, Discord posts, and a comprehensive video showcasing the console from various angles. This new handheld will be available with Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U configurations, as we learned back in November. However, we’re still in the dark about its pricing and other tech specs, except for the APU and the choice between LCD and OLED displays. Fortunately, Ayaneo has hinted that more information will be unveiled in January during their official launch event, scheduled for “Late January 2025.”
In a video released on YouTube, Ayaneo further demonstrated how the swappable control modules add layers of adaptability to the device. Not only can these modules be switched out, but users can also invert them or fully swap individual buttons. This innovative design makes the Ayaneo 3 a versatile choice for virtually any game genre that uses a controller. For fans of six-button fighting games like Street Fighter or old Sega console classics, the availability of a six-face-button module will be particularly appealing. Additionally, modules with touchpads could enhance desktop-like gaming experiences, especially when paired with Steam Input.
Without concrete pricing or additional specifics, it’s tough to determine if the Ayaneo 3 will be a worthwhile investment. Nevertheless, the initial features show promise, especially for gamers looking for flexibility. It seems that the option to go for a Ryzen 7 8840U and a 7-inch LCD instead of an OLED might be a budget-friendly move, although the true value of this trade-off remains uncertain until prices are disclosed. All in all, the Ayaneo 3 appears poised to stand out in the upcoming high-end handheld market, particularly with its unique focus on modular, customizable controls.