Next month marks an exciting launch for the new DC universe headed by James Gunn, as the Creature Commandos animated series makes its debut. This series dives into the tales of some of DC comics’ lesser-known characters, and it seems that Batman’s classic nemesis, Clayface, will be among them, voiced by a familiar talent.
Alan Tudyk, a versatile actor noted for bringing characters like K-2SO in Star Wars: Rogue One and King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph to life, lends his voice to Doctor Phosphorus in Creature Commandos. But there’s more. Tudyk, who’s become well-acquainted with the DC universe, already voices Clayface in the animated Harley Quinn show, and he’s confirmed to reprise this character in the new series.
In a candid chat with Rotten Tomatoes, Tudyk shared, “I play Clayface in this series.” He draws an intriguing comparison between the iterations, mentioning that his Clayface from Harley Quinn is “an idiot,” while this version is “a killer, a homicidal maniac.” He revels in the chance to explore Clayface’s multifaceted persona, thanks to DC’s flexibility in character portrayal. “It’s really nice that James let me play Clayface. I didn’t even have to ask,” he added. This development marks Clayface as the first Batman universe character introduced in Gunn’s DCU—a move that fits right in with Gunn’s fresh take on the superhero realm.
An interesting tidbit to consider is Tudyk’s reported casting in a “secret role” for Gunn’s upcoming Superman film. This fuels speculation that he might bring Clayface to the silver screen in a live-action format sooner than anticipated. Of course, with Tudyk’s talent, it could turn out to be another character entirely. We’ll have to wait until Gunn’s Superman movie, slated for release on July 11, 2025, to find out.
In the meantime, DC fans can catch Creature Commandos when it starts streaming on Max next month, December 5. It promises to be an intriguing start to this new DC universe chapter.