Tencent, a major player in the gaming world, has recently unveiled Light of Motiram for PC. At first glance, it seems almost impossible to overlook its striking resemblance to Sony’s well-loved Horizon series by Guerrilla Games. This isn’t just a minor similarity; it’s as if Light of Motiram has been crafted using the very essence of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West.
Will Tencent’s Lookalike Game Face Legal Action from Sony?
The buzz around Light of Motiram grew significantly after its trailer was released. Developed by Tencent’s subsidiary, Polaris Quest, this game boasts a "mechanimal-ruled open world" setting. Players are tasked with the challenge of surviving in a realm teeming with enormous machines, a direct consequence of the downfall of the former civilization.
The moment the game was introduced, discussions erupted online, drawing comparisons to the Palworld/Pokemon scenario. Palworld, heavily inspired by Pokemon, faced significant legal hurdles when Nintendo filed a lawsuit against its developer, Pocketpair, citing patent infringement.
A significant portion of the gaming community believes Sony should address what they perceive as a direct copy of the Horizon series by taking legal action against Tencent. In contrast, some argue that pursuing legal measures over Light of Motiram might be excessive.
Despite several websites attempting to get comments from both Sony and Tencent, there has been radio silence from both parties. Nonetheless, it’s hard to imagine Sony not stepping into the legal arena. Failing to act might set a precedent, making their other beloved franchises susceptible to imitation.