Elon Musk, known as the world’s wealthiest individual, is branching into the video game industry with plans to launch his own studio. This move comes as a bit of a surprise, as Musk has recently been cozying up to President-elect Trump, forming an unexpected bond.
Musk took to X (previously known as Twitter), the social platform he acquired in October 2022, to share his rather ambitious vision. The site has seen a decline in users, particularly after the latest U.S. presidential election. On the morning of November 27, Musk expressed his views on the dominance of large corporations in the gaming industry, suggesting there are ‘too many’ of them. In the same breath, he announced that his own corporation, xAI, would be setting up an AI game studio with the aim to “make games great again.”
The company xAI is positioned as an innovator, claiming to work on developing artificial intelligence to drive forward human scientific discovery. Their mission centers around deepening our collective grasp of the universe. Perhaps their most known endeavor so far is Grok, a bot similar to ChatGPT, which is available to subscribers of X Premium. Musk laid the foundations for xAI in March 2023.
For those of us vested in the gaming world, even if we’ve left X for other platforms, Musk remains a figure to watch. His growing alliance with Trump could have broader implications, given the president-elect’s track record of supporting businesses of his friends while opposing their adversaries. It certainly seems Musk is determined to leave a mark on yet another industry.