Every year, Bob finds himself determined to perfect his Thanksgiving turkey, and this time, he’s got his heart set on a three-day brine. But just when everything seems to be on track for his culinary masterpiece, the family is thrown for a loop. They wake up to the bizarre sight of the turkey in the toilet! Bob replaces it, but to his dismay, it ends up there again the next day. What in the world is going on?
The mysterious case of the toilet-bound turkey is quite the head-scratcher, but it leads to a hilarious and heartwarming resolution that’s sure to delight fans. What really elevates this episode to greatness, though, is how it captures the chaotic spirit of Thanksgiving. You’ve got family members like Gayle showing up and stirring the pot, kids eager to score a seat at the adult table, and, of course, the challenge of roasting that big turkey to perfection.
And let’s not forget one of the show’s absolute classic moments—a scene with a deli counter employee who hilariously misinterprets Bob’s frequent turkey purchases as a romantic gesture. This episode isn’t just a Thanksgiving highlight; it’s arguably one of the best episodes “Bob’s Burgers” has ever produced. So, when the holiday rolls around, do yourself a favor: Rewatch this gem and soak in all the laughs and nostalgia.